Captain Steph
Steph has been a sailor all her life. Starting out on her family’s 34′ Pacific Seacraft Crealock ‘Whisper’ in Narragansant Bay, RI. She spent summer weekends cruising up and down the bay with her parents and older sister Christy. In 1993 the family set out for a year long Atlantic Circle aboard Whisper. Ever since they returned in the summer of 1994 Steph has had her heart set on owning her own sailboat one day, and taking her own family on a cruising adventure. 25 years after the first big trip she is thrilled to living aboard a sailboat with her family and still dreaming of the day they can cast off the lines and set sail for the horizon.
First Mate Ben
Ben has always dreamed of taking a life-changing adventure, but he wasn’t sure what direction that would take until he met Steph in 2015. When she mentioned her desire to sail around the world, he was instantly on board with the idea. Ben grew up in Maine and his only sailing experience was on his grandfathers Hobie Cat. Now he has a few summers of sailing on a Cape Dory Typhoon under his belt, and is quickly learning the ropes aboard Jelanea. He is the resident cook aboard, and can whip up delicious meals even when healed over at 20 degrees!
Second Mate Tristan
Tristan(8) has been sailing all his life, with his first sailboat ride at the age of 1.5 years old aboard a Cape Dory Typhoon. He was Steph’s first mate for 4.5 years before Ben joined the family and is eager to help out on board. So far scrubbing the deck and zipping up the stack-pack are his favorite boat chores. He is a fish in the water, and can’t wait to jump off the boat to go swimming, although he is wary of the cold Maine waters!
Scallywag Trixie
Trixie(2) was just shy of 2 months old when she first got out on the water and she has been a child of sea ever since. ‘Boat’ was one of her first words, and her favorite place to be has always been ‘owtside.’ She has the electric curiosity about life that is typical of 2-year olds and loves to copy her big brother in everything he does. Her adorable ‘pweese?’ is hard to resist, and so mom, dad and brother have all followed her around the deck of the boat countless times already.